Resource Library

Resource Library

COG’s Regenerative Organic Hub Resource Library is an open access resource where you can find insightful reports, webinar recordings, and educational tools to help you build your knowledge and confidence all along your regenerative organic farming journey. Explore one of our curated step-by-step learning journeys, or scroll below to browse or search for resources to support you wherever you are on your regenerative organic journey!

Learning Journeys

Our learning journeys are curated collections of educational content, designed to help you acquire knowledge and skills on a specific topic. To use the learning journeys to their full benefit, please follow along the steps detailed in each learning journey.

Start a learning journey and dive deeper into one of these regenerative organic topics:

Icon Legend

Every resource in the Resource Library below involves the discussion of one or more of the ecological processes. Below is a legend of icons to help you discover how each resource relates to the unique processes that are key characteristics of regenerative organic agriculture.





Cropping/Rotations, Regenerative Mindset
Check out this slide deck about what regenerative organic crop rotation is and how it can benefit your agricultural land.
Biodiversity/Community Dynamics/Diversity, Cover Crop, Pest Management
Check out this article in Abundance Magazine written by Myriam R. Fernandez who is a Research Scientist and Head of Organic Research Program at the Swift Current Research and Development Centre. In this edition, Fernandez discusses how the Western Prairies can implement cover crops on organic farms to mitigate risk to disease, pests, and irregular weather events.
Business/Economics, Regenerative Mindset
This database explores policy issues regarding agriculture and fisheries, such as trades and markets, productivity and innovation, and sustainability.
Business/Economics, Regenerative Mindset
Read this blog from Maryville University to understand what agriculture is, what are the benefits to agriculture, and what role does it play for the future of the world.
Business/Economics, Regenerative Mindset
"If we truly are stewards of the land, we should be valuing our production practices by more than just cash flow."
Business/Economics, Regenerative Mindset
Check out this article by Cargill to see how complex global issues can be addressed through sustainable farming.
Business/Economics, Regenerative Mindset
"Agroecology is the study of ecological processes that affect agriculture and may refer to a science, movement or practice."
Regenerative Mindset
Check out this article about how farmers can be relievers rather than contributors to climate change pollution.
Biodiversity/Community Dynamics/Diversity
"The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the United States and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, crop information, automated tools, web links, and references."
Biodiversity/Community Dynamics/Diversity
Here is a guide to field plant identification, the physical characteristics of each species, and how they contribute to biodiversity and soil health.
Water Cycle
Read this article about "How Central Alberta farmers can reduce soil temperature and increase moisture retention".
Biodiversity/Community Dynamics/Diversity, Disturbance/Disruption/Tillage, Livestock Integration/Grazing
Check out this article to get a deep dive into the Rule of Disruption.