Barriers and Solutions in Canada’s Organic Food Supply Chain

Strengthening Canadian Organic Supply Chains

COG’s Barriers and Solutions in Canada’s Organic Food Supply Chain (previously called Canadian Access Project/CAP) was a research program that examined six organic supply chains across Canada from 2019-2022. The report has identified the systemic, cultural and sectoral supply chain barriers preventing the increased domestic supply of organic products from reaching the market efficiently and achieving the related environmental benefits of organic practices. COG ranked each barrier by six organic commodity or product supply chains. Barriers and Solutions in Canada’s Organic Food Supply Chain has examined the market impact of each and identifies leaders (e.g. industry, government, industry and government partnerships, etc.) best qualified to implement measures to mitigate or eliminate each barrier.

Results & Resources

CAP successfully identified the barriers hindering the domestic supply these six different organic commodities: 

Organic Beef
Organic Carrots
Organic Blueberries
Organic Salad Greens
Organic Oats
Organic Field Peas

Organic Supply Chain Webinars

COG delivered Organic Supply Chain Webinars that examine the challenges and opportunities within the Canadian organic supply chains for the 6 commodity groups. The webinars outline the challenges experienced by producers and other relevant stakeholders in the supply chain as well as present recommendations for promoting the stability and growth of the organic sector. All 6 webinars are free to enjoy below or directly on COG’s Youtube channel.


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