Regenerative Organic Oats (ROO)

Supporting Farmers to Transition to Regenerative Organic Farm Management

Regenerative Organic Oats (ROO) is a farmer-forward program designed to support Prairie-based growers who are interested in transitioning to regenerative organic farm management. The program is funded by Nature’s Path, Riverside Naturals Foods (producers of the snack brand MadeGood), and MGM Seed and Grain/Baystate Milling in a supply chain collaboration that supports and bolsters the growth of the Canadian regenerative organic oats supply by focusing on soil health in the agricultural landscape.

Through the ROO program, we focus on applying the six principles of regenerative agriculture in an organic context to support the natural functions of ecological processes.

Principles of Regenerative Agriculture

Know Your Context

Keep a Living Root in the Soil

Armour the Soil; Protect Your Most Valuable Resource

Do Not Disturb Without Intention

Diversify Above and Below Ground

Integrate Livestock to Kickstart Your System

Ecological Processes

Program Goals

  • Support farmers as they transition to regenerative organic management
  • Promote a systems based approach to farm planning including the application of regenerative and organic principles and the context appropriate use of regenerative organic practices
  • Increase farm resilience to weather extremes (climate change)
  • Improve soil health and fertility
  • Improve atmospheric carbon capture and retention in farm soils
  • Address crop pests, disease and weeds through regenerative organic management

Program Activities

Communities of Practice

  • Year-round social networking group
  • Field days with brand and miller partner participation

Knowledge Transfer

  • Winter virtual learning series (webinars)
  • Tailored training and individual agronomic consultations
  • Open-access Regenerative Organic Hub
  • Training the trainer – to support the development of Prairie-wide extension services that will serve farmers transitioning to and using regenerative organic management

Benchmarking and On-Farm Monitoring

  • Emphasis on observation and accessible monitoring
  • Soil, crop and landscape data collected
  • Annual farm visits complete with soil chemistry, soil biology and crop analyses

Our Program Farmers