About Us

Who We Are and What We Do

Canadian Organic Growers (COG), is Canada’s oldest organic and regenerative association dedicated to supporting farmers and gardeners adopting more ecologically-based agriculture practices. Since its inception in 1975, COG has led the progress and prosperity of the organic movement and sector in Canada.
As a registered educational charity and not-for-profit, we work collaboratively with stakeholders across Canada to be the voice for organic growers and consumers, to advance policy work and industry development at the local, regional and national levels and to train and support organic, regenerative and ecological growers across the country.


Canadian Organic Growers envisions a regenerative and resilient organic food and farming system across Canada.


COG provides education, advocacy and leadership to help build an agricultural system that empowers farmers and consumers, enhances human health, builds community and mitigates climate change while increasing Canadian food sovereignty.

Are you ready to grow organic or seek organic certification?

Check out our publications and other resources online, and find out why transitioning to organic is the better choice for you and for the health of our planet!

FCS Equity Framework

As a founding member of Farmers for Climate Solutions, COG commends the work undertaken to produce the FCS Equity Framework and we endorse its principles in our work. For more information please visit the FCS website.

Our Regional Chapters

Our four regional chapters, which don’t have physical offices, are run by our many amazing volunteers. They do their work at the community level by:

  • Delivering grassroots programming
  • Participating in and hosting local events that promote and educate about organics

If a COG chapter isn’t operating in your region and you would like to help get one started, please contact us at info@cog.ca.

Board of Directors

COG is governed by a National Board of Directors elected by the general membership at an Annual General Meeting.

Directors, with the aid of staff,

  • Develop five-year strategic plans Inform policies and regulations
  • Participate on staff and member led committees
  • Answer complex and diverse questions about organics that are received from the public
  • Mentor and coach staff and volunteers