The increasingly common spread of devastating pandemics is a glaring reminder of the key role of the immune system in disease protection. This extends beyond us to all living things, including the trees in our forests and those used as a food source. The steadily increasing insensitivity of pathogens to synthetic pesticides makes it clear […]
We’ve compiled a list of courses, certificates and programs offered across Canada—from practical gardening courses to university-level programs. Many of them are even online, so you can join from the comfort of your farm or closest café with Wi-Fi!
In 2019 and 2020, the Government of Canada is conducting a review of the regulatory frameworks governing seed. Changes are being considered for the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act and Regulations. If any of these changes are implemented, the implications for farmers and farming in Canada will be profound. Below are some of the basics: what is […]
While there are many recipes available for home preparations of salve-from-scratch-in-an-afternoon, I believe that with a bit more time and attention, you can turn your quick salve into a ‘super’ salve.
At the Guelph Organic Conference, Paul and Sandy Arnold will talk about “Organic market garden costing and budgeting for production and harvesting” in the Production scale market garden seminar on January 23, 2004 from 1:15–4:15 p.m. at the University of Guelph.
Sheep fit well into many farm operations. If self-sufficiency and sustainability are your goals, raising sheep has many advantages.
Well kept turf grass can create a pleasant setting for your home, an oasis for golf and leisure activities, and a play area for children.