The Prairie Organic Development Fund (PODF) is partnering with the University of Manitoba to help industry professionals get the latest science on nutrient management. The training will be valuable to all crop advisors and to farmers who want to decrease their dependence on conventional nutrient sources.
Having great crop rotations in which inputs match exports from the farm is crucial – both for maximizing efficiency of inputs and for reducing environmental losses of valuable nutrients. Specific training goals are to:
• Help attendees gain proficiency with PODF’s new free Nutrient Budgeting App, and
• provide tools and advice to help farmers build better crop rotations and to address
nutrient deficiencies or surpluses.
February 6: Intro to the Nutrient Budgeting App
February 7: Strategies to Supply Organic Crops with Nitrogen using Legume-Intensive
Rotations and Supplemental Sources
February 13: Management of Phosphorous and Other Non-N Nutrients in Organic Grain, Forage
and Horticultural Production
February 14 Q&A Session
Each session will run from 9-10:15 AM CST. Webinars will be recorded and continuing education credits (CEU) will be offered to certified crop advisers.
Cost: $50 + GST for 4 sessions or $20 + GST per session.
Learn More:
Marika Dewar-Norosky is an organic farmer, engineer and Executive Director of Manitoba Organics
Martin Entz is a professor in the Plant Science Department and the Jarislowsky Chair in Natural Systems Agriculture for Climate Solutions at the University of Manitoba