A Regenerative Organic Oats Farm Story: Balcarres, SK

In the summer of 2024, the Regenerative Organic Oats (ROO) program was in full swing across the fields of participating Prairie farmers. Program coordinators conducted various field monitoring techniques and collected soil samples for laboratory analysis. This hands-on experience offered invaluable insights into the soils these farmers are regenerating, highlighting their efforts to optimize crop yields, store more water in the soil, and increase soil biology.

Our Program Coordinator, Dru, had an inspiring visit with Rob in Balcarres, SK where Rob and his wife Lisa run Schill Family Farm. This powerhouse family raises a variety of livestock and grow diverse field crops that contribute uniquely to the soil microbiome and regenerate soil health. The Schill Family loves sharing their ideas and experiences about regenerative agriculture, its challenges, and its successes.

Rob’s chicken coop is hitched onto a truck and dragged across the field for continuous chicken grazing.

Dru had the opportunity to see Rob’s DIY movable chicken coops (AKA chicken tractors) in action! Rob hopped in his truck which he rigged to the chicken coops and gently drove forward. The chickens know exactly what to do, and they raced toward the front of the coop where they quickly caught up to the moving vehicle, all the while remaining inside the coop. Once Rob found a new patch of land for the chickens to graze, he would stop the car and detach the mobile coop from the hitch so that he could drive away and leave the chickens to enjoy fresh grazing land.

A look into the chicken coop, where the nesting boxes provide an area for the hens to lay their eggs.

Rob’s curiosity and hands-on approach shine through in everything he does. From experimenting with spelt and lentils to innovative bale-grazing and more, Rob is always looking to try new things and see what works best. His willingness to step out of his comfort zone and embrace new ideas is inspiring. It’s this kind of innovation and experimentation that drives progress in regenerative agriculture.

Thank you so much to the Schill Family Farm for the lovely hospitality, creative ideas, and great company. We look forward to our next visit with you!

To learn more about the ROO program, visit our Regenerative Organic Oats (ROO) page on our website.