SAS Consultation Survey and Producer Roundtables

Join the Conversation

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada announced the launch of consultations to help guide the development of a Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAS). A Sustainable Agriculture Strategy: Discussion Paper is now available for comment until March 31, 2023. This document examines the current state of agriculture and environment in Canada and provides a starting point for discussions on how a SAS may further advance environmental goals in Canada’s agriculture sector.

Feedback collected during consultations will help shape a plan and develop shared outcomes that will benefit producers, the agriculture industry, and Canadians through supporting the long-term vitality of the sector, enhanced resilience in the face of extreme weather, and connections to global markets.

Sustainable Agriculture Strategy: Discussion Paper

Share ideas: Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Discussion Document

Attend a Producer Roundtable

COG strongly encourages our organic producers to participate by attending a virtual, regional/national producer roundtable. 

MB, ON, NT, & NU – March 10, 12pm ET. Eng w/ French interpretation – Register

QC, NB, NS, PEI, & NL – March 20th from 12pm ET. Eng w/ French interpretation – Register

National – March 24, 12pm. ET. French w/ Eng interpretation – Register