For Immediate Release
Organic Sector Urges National Policy Framework to Fuel Growth
OTTAWA, Ontario (May 7, 2024) – A petition calling for bold policies and strategic investments to propel the organic sector forward was tabled this morning in Parliament. Championed by Alistair MacGregor, Member of Parliament for Cowichan-Malahat-Langford, and backed by nearly 1,600 Canadians, the petition signals a need for heightened recognition and support for organic food and farming.
The organic market in Canada surpassed CAD 10 billion in 2022, ranking fifth globally. Forecasts predict a tripling of the North American organic market within the next decade, driven by escalating consumer preferences for healthy and sustainably produced foods.
Tia Loftsgard, executive director of the Canada Organic Trade Association, emphasizes, “Agricultural practices and policies must adapt as consumer demand moves towards organic and sustainable options. Investing in organic not only helps mitigate our climate-related risks but also delivers on changing consumer preferences.”
However, Canada currently lacks a comprehensive policy framework to grow organic farming and markets, in stark contrast to proactive measures taken by jurisdictions like the United States and the European Union. The absence of a clear strategy jeopardizes the competitiveness of Canadian farmers and fails to capture the myriad benefits of organic production.
MP MacGregor states, “Canadians want to be able to select the healthiest food options available, but with high costs, many are putting nutritious food they need back on the shelves. We also need to be making sure that we’re fighting climate change while lowering food costs – and organic food does just that. So, it’s important that the government move forward with a plan.”
“This petition allowed us to hear directly from Canadians that they want policies and supports for organic farmers to take advantage of emerging market opportunities, contribute to a more resilient food system and deliver on federal environmental and climate commitments,” says Karen Murchison, executive director of Canadian Organic Growers.
Organic farmers and processors have adhered to the Canadian Organic Standards since they came into effect in 2009. “It is time for policies and programs to leverage this global standard through a national strategy that recognizes and enhances the contribution of organic production to soil health, biodiversity, climate resilience, farm livelihoods, and public health,” says Nicole Boudreau, Coordinator of the Organic Federation of Canada.
The organic sector is developing an Organic Action Plan to develop all segments of the organic value chain, and is united in its request for a policy mechanism to support implementation of the plan. It is based on four pillars, including strengthened infrastructure and regulations, market development, production growth, and research and innovation. With strong federal policies and collective efforts, Canada stands poised to meet the burgeoning demand for organic products and strengthen its role as a global leader in sustainable agriculture.
To read the petition, visit https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4909
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For media inquiries, please contact:
Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA)
Tia Loftsgard, Executive Director
tloftsgard@canada-organic.ca or 613-482-1717 ext. 200
Learn more about COTA at https://www.canada-organic.ca
Canadian Organic Growers (COG)
Karen Murchison, P.Ag., Executive Director
karen.murchison@cog.ca or 902-394-3142
Learn more about COG at https://cog.ca/
Organic Federation of Canada (OFC)
Nicole Boudreau, Executive Director
nicole.boudreau@organicfederation.ca or 514-488-6192
Learn more about OFC at https://organicfederation.ca/
Canada’s Organic Action Plan is being led jointly by the three national organic organizations: Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA), Canadian Organic Growers (COG), and the Organic Federation of Canada (OFC).
About the Canada Organic Trade Association
The Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) is the membership-based association for the organic industry in Canada representing the full value chain of all organic actors: growers, fishers, certifiers, processors, handlers, provincial organic associations, importers, exporters, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and more. COTA’s mission is to promote and protect the organic sector and encourage the universal adoption of organic.
About Canadian Organic Growers
Canadian Organic Growers (COG) – a registered charity established in 1975 – is Canada’s leading national, organic member-driven organization dedicated to supporting farmers in their path to certification and adoption of more regenerative practices. COG provides training, educational resources, networking opportunities, and leadership to help build an agricultural system that empowers farmers, enhances human health, builds community and mitigates climate change while increasing Canadian food security. In collaboration with its national network, COG engages in advocacy at the federal and provincial levels to advance the policy priorities of the organic sector.
About the Organic Federation of Canada
The Organic Federation of Canada (OFC) is a national organization responsible for the maintenance and interpretation of the Canadian Organic Standard and the administration of scientific research in organic agriculture in Canada. OFC brings together all the key players to ensure reliable standards and regulations and research that stimulates the growth in Canada’s organic sector, which is good for the environment, the consumer, family farms and rural communities.