India Bans Wheat Exports, What Can This Mean for Global Food Security?

As the world’s second largest producer of wheat, India has made a sweeping ban on all wheat exports as of May 13th, 2022. “Although India is not a major wheat exporter, the move unsettled global markets with the Chicago benchmark wheat index rising by nearly 6%” (BBC).

What can this mean for global food security? 

This export ban compounds an increasingly troubled worldwide food security landscape. Grain supply chain issues caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are already seriously affecting food security in many African countries (among others). The increase in global grain prices will continue to price many out of required essential goods, further exacerbating pre-existing domestic and global food security issues. To compound this even further, synthetic inputs used in conventional farming for crops like wheat and other grains are also increasing in price due to these supply chain issues. Since January 2022, there has been a 30% increase in fertilizer prices (World Bank), making these conventional farming practices more expensive and difficult to maintain for farmers too.

What can be done in response to increasing global food insecurity? The time is now to support domestic organic grain growers who do not rely on synthetic inputs. 

COG’s Canadian Access Project (CAP) research addressed domestic supply chain barriers in six organic commodities including oats. CAP has identified the systemic economic supply chain barriers preventing the increased domestic supply of organic products. It also examined the related environmental impacts and benefits of organic farming practices. Supply chain research and support for domestic organic farmers are more important than ever as our global food markets continue to become increasingly unreliable. 

To learn more about COG’s programs including the CAP project please go to our website.
