About Canadian Organic Growers
COG provides education, advocacy and leadership to help build an agricultural system that empowers farmers and consumers, enhances human health, builds community and mitigates climate change while increasing Canadian food sovereignty.
Useful Resources
Have you ever looked out across a field and wondered what the little red tents or small blue plastic huts are? COG’s Regenerative Organic Oats team got the opportunity to get up close and personal with them on our tour of Get Growing Organic Farm in Medicine Hat AB.
In June, Minister of Agriculture Lawrence MacAulay responded to e-petition 4909, which called for bold policies and strategic investments to grow the organic sector and enhance its contribution to sustainable, resilient food systems.
There are lots of great organic/regenerative/ecological events happening this September, and we are excited to share them here. We hope you have fun at an ag event online or near you this month!
July 29th COG’s Regenerative Organic Oats (ROO) program came out in force in Rolling Hills AB where we spent the day with the Butkiewicz family, friends and neighbours as we toured local farms, shared regenerative organic ideas and wondered at the innovation and beauty all around us.
Ah, beautiful Balcarres! Nestled in the gently rolling valley landscape between the small town of Balcarres and Fort Qu’appelle stands the Schill Family Farm – host of the ROO 2024 Saskatchewan field day.
In June, 2024, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food released its report following a study on Issues Facing the Horticultural Sector. We are pleased to see that the report, titled “Improving the Resilience of Canada’s Horticultural Sector,” includes several key recommendations aimed at supporting the growth of the organic sector.
This event will include a morning farm tour at Full Circle Farm, a potluck lunch, and an afternoon farm tour of Cartwheel Farm.
Join Canadian Organic Growers (COG) for a field day at The New Farm in Creemore, Ontario on September 26th!
You’re invited to a farm tour and potluck at A Rocha Farm in South Surrey, BC!
You’re invited to a farm tour and potluck at Bar VI Ranch near Langruth, Manitoba!
Become a Member
Support the Canadian farmers building a regenerative and resilient food and farming system. Members are the heart and soul of COG. You are our community, our source of wisdom and knowledge.
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